Where Crafters Come From: Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you crafty moms out there! Sorry it’s a few days late – I’ve been out of town on a secret mission. This year, I finally had the chance to do something I’ve wanted to do for some time – fly home to surprise my mom for Mother’s Day. My mom, however, is shrewd and with help from a couple of people who aren’t so sly, suspected that I might be coming. Still, the trip was fun and a good time was had by all.
I craft, in large part, because my mom crafts. I think she’d say the same about her mom. Mom cooks amazing food and taught me the value of making things from scratch. She knits, crochets, sews, tats, weaves, spins, and quilts. She has tried glass fusing and hot glass lampworking, sandblasting, wreath making, cake decorating and I’m sure countless other crafty pursuits that I’m forgetting. My grandma is similarly gifted and my three aunts each practice some form of needle arts. I know this is a Mother’s Day post, but it would be shortsighted of me to not mention that my dad is crafty too – he makes and flies model rockets, builds paper models, works on bikes, fixes stuff around the house and much more.

The scissortailed fly catcher stencil I made for the studio, posted here because Mom wanted to see it.
I don’t think I realized that I had such a DIY focused upbringing until I got older. Didn’t everyone’s mom cook dinner (from scratch, no TV dinners or Hamburger Helper in our house) every night? Didn’t everyone’s mom sew any Halloween costume requested? And what’s a boxed cake mix? I was probably in Jr. High when I began to realize that not everyone’s mom was as crafty/talented/involved as my mom. It took me even longer to recognize that I was craftier-than-most, a distinction that I now embrace unapologetically.
So, thanks Mom, for all the inspiration, wisdom, and countless project-saving-tips provided to me over the phone. I love you!
Browse Timeline
- (older) A Do-It-Yourselfer’s Dream Weekend
- (newer) Our First Merch: DIY Luggage Tags
Comments ( 1 Comment )
Thank you. I love that you love to craft. You make me very proud. I wonder that you are my child…you have grown to be a very confident, resourceful and talented young woman. And, you know how to make me cry.